Saturday, May 04, 2024
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Muscular spasm [Cramp]

Muscular spasm [Cramp]

Dear reader, the writing of this subject is in order to educate and inform, not replace medical diagnosis. Almost everyone at some stage in their life has had a bad cramp, also known as muscle spasm. The lack of some nutrients such as calcium, sodium or potassium and some vitamins, cause cramps in muscles that are forced to work hard. Cramps are involuntary contractions of a muscle short, it gets hard and it causes pain and a very unpleasant feeling, in addition to immobility in the affected muscle, which are usually in the legs or feet and violently and suddenly appearing sometimes at night.


Besides cramps caused by lack of oxygen in a muscle are forced to work hard, they can also occur in sports that are well trained and prepared, and people who do not work to exhaustion. When this happens, the cramps are caused by an imbalance of minerals, which may be due to excess or deficiency and the major ones are calcium, sodium or potassium. The problem arises because some inadequate levels of minerals in the body usually allow the concentration of muscle without much difficulty, but prevent their relaxation.



Although not given due importance because short-lived, are a warning of the body indicates that something is not working properly and can cause strong cramp a muscle tear, so the pain can persist accompanied by feelings of fatigue and stiffness, which disappears within a few minutes if left to rest a little.


Usually, cramps are caused by three reasons: poor posture, muscle fatigue or lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as sedentary. May also occur by muscle spasms, caused by dehydration,


pregnancy, hypothyroidism and other metabolic problems, alcoholism, renal failure or taking certain medications.


When a muscle contracts, downloading potassium in the surrounding tissues by dilating the arteries close to them. When you lack potassium, arteries can not carry enough oxygen cells. Besides potassium, along with other minerals, affects the muscular endurance to physical exertion and is considered essential for muscles to assimilate the sugars, which are their main source of energy. Their lack therefore causes sudden contraction of muscles and therefore cramps.

Calcium and magnesium perform additional work for the good condition of the muscles and skeleton. The calcium deficiency weakens and thins the bone, and makes people who are deficient in this mineral, often tend to cramp, pain and bone fractures.


Keep in mind that normal levels of these minerals are sometimes affected by hormonal changes at certain stages of life such as adolescence, where the growth is too fast or in old age. During pregnancy, for example, there is a tendency to cramps just by lack of calcium and magnesium.

The sodium is excreted in large quantities through sweat when there is a strong physical effort. Nevertheless, the modern diet is so rich in this mineral that usually originates as large gaps that cause cramps. Anyway, it must be borne in mind, especially if you are under treatment for hypertension or doing much exercise in hot weather, which causes excessive sweating.

An adequate and balanced diet is the best way to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Potassium is found in sufficient quantity in vegetables and fruits. The calcium in milk, tortillas and dairy products, nuts, carrots, spinach, onions and potatoes. Magnesium, which also promotes the balance of calcium and is essential in the normal muscle contraction, is also found in milk and milk derivatives, nuts, spinach, lettuce, spinach, whole grains and some fruits like bananas or raspberries.

In cases of muscle fatigue, cramps that occur frequently, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, help prevent them. Among the vitamins that strengthen and maintain healthy muscles, are:
• Vitamin B12, found in vitamin supplements.
• Vitamin B2 found in almonds, pistachios, wheat germ and brewer's yeast, among other foods.
• Vitamin C: found in all citrus fruits like orange and lemon, also in parsley, peppers, broccoli, watercress and kiwi among other fruits and vegetables.
• Vitamin D: It is acquired mainly from milk and cheese acids, cod liver oil and fish.
• Vitamin B3 or PP containing artichokes, and spinach.
If all the above it is difficult to make or take, eat separately, Holistic Natural Health have the solution: using our natural supplements in our Store.

You can prevent:
• Both our supplements and eating a balanced diet balanced in minerals and vitamins through the consumption of two liters of water, fruits and vegetables that contain potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B12 and B6, among others.
• Making physical exercise at least half an hour walk every day for the muscles are not rigid. Tightness of the muscles in sedentary people or sick, they contribute to cramps.
• If you are an athlete or will participate in a sporting event, you need to train and warm up the muscles progressively.
• Relax and breathe during training, skills and physical exercises.
• Avoid physical exhaustion muscle when you exercise or work involving great physical effort.
• Perform warm up exercises, stretching and flexibility and preventing cooling blow to stop exercising.
• Avoid stretching and sudden movements.
• comfortable and relaxed postures for sleep side preference and do not involve abrupt muscle contractions.
• Avoid excess weight in the legs and feet during the night.
• If you have an opportunity to give a series of massages on the affected parts, followed to help relax the muscle and enable better circulation.
If cramps are persistent, followed, and leave long lasting muscle soreness, you should consult an orthopedic physician, internist or a specialist in sports medicine.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration of America (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.