Friday, May 03, 2024
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Dear reader, the writing of this issue above mentioned, the purpose is to educate and inform, not replace medical diagnosis. Before continuing, let us define headache.

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck. Serious causes of headaches are extremely rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better by making changes in your lifestyle, learning ways to relax and occasionally by taking medications. See also:Tension Headache • Cluster Headache • Migraine with aura • Migraine without aura

Common Causes Tension headaches are due to the contraction and muscle tension in the shoulders, neck, scalp and jaw, and are often related to stress, depression or anxiety. The fact of working too much, not enough sleep, missing meals and alcohol or hallucinogens can make people more susceptible to headaches. Also, the headaches can be triggered by chocolate, cheese, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). People who drink caffeine can have headaches when they do not get their usual daily amount.

Other common causes include:

• Conduct an activity that causes a person to keep your head in one position for too long, such as using a computer, microscope, or typewriter • Sleeping in an abnormal position • Trying too hard • Clenching or grinding teeth. Tensions headaches tend to be on both sides of the head and often start at the back of it and spread forward. The pain may feel dull or squeezing, even as a tight band or vise on the head. You may feel pain and stiffness in the shoulders, neck and jaw. Migraines are severe headaches, recurrent are usually accompanied by other symptoms like visual disturbances or nausea, and tend to begin on one side of the head, although the pain may spread to both sides. The person may experience an "aura" (warning symptoms that start before your headache) and usually feel a throbbing, pulsating pain. For information about migraine, see migraine.

Other types of headache include:

Cluster Headache: severe headaches are extremely painful and tend to occur several times a day for months and then disappear for a similar period. They are much less common.
Headache Sinus causes pain in the front of the head and face. This type of headache is caused by inflammation in the sinus passages behind the cheeks, nose and eyes. The pain tends to worsen when the person leans forward and when you wake up in the morning. With this type of headache usually occur post-nasal drip, sore throat and runny nose. Headaches may occur if you have a cold, flu, fever, or premenstrual syndrome. If the person has more than 50 years and are experiencing headaches for the first time that the cause may prove to be a condition called temporal arteritis, whose symptoms include: impaired vision and pain aggravated by chewing. Also, there is a risk of becoming blind with this condition and reason has to be treated by a doctor immediately.

Among the rare causes of headache include:

• Cerebral aneurysm, a weakening of the wall of blood vessels that can rupture and bleed into the brain. • Brain Tumor • Stroke or TIA • Brain infection like meningitis or encephalitis. A headache can be relieved by resting with eyes closed and head resting or using relaxation techniques. To relieve tension headaches can be effective a massage or heat applied to the back of the neck. For tension headaches should try acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen. However, DO NOT use aspirin with children due to risk of developing Reye syndrome.

Reye Syndrome Definition: It is a condition that involves brain damage (encephalopathy) and liver damage of unknown cause and is associated with aspirin use in children to treat chickenpox or influenza.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Reye syndrome is most often seen in children 4 to 12, with a peak incidence at 6 years. Often it has been associated with children who are given medications containing aspirin when they have either chickenpox or flu (influenza). The disease is characterized by a rapid onset and symptoms can vary widely. It may have mental status changes that include delusions, aggressive behavior and coma. Reye syndrome usually follows an infection of the upper respiratory tract or chickenpox, after about a week. It often begins with vomiting persisting for several hours, quickly followed by irritable and aggressive behavior. As the condition progresses, the child can enter a state of semi-consciousness or stupor and eventually seizures and coma can rapidly lead to death.

Migraine headaches may respond to aspirin, naproxen, or combination of drugs for migraine. If the counter medications do not control your pain, talk to your doctor about your headache. When using pain medications more than twice a week may be suffering from rebound headaches that are caused by a cycle of using pain medication in the short term, which is followed by the return of headache longer periods of time despite taking more pain medication. All types of pain medications (including nonprescription drugs), muscle relaxants, some decongestants, and caffeine can cause this pattern. If one considers that this can be a problem for the person, you should consult a doctor.

Some diagnostic tests may be performed include: • Head CT • MRI of the head • Radiography of the paranasal sinuses • Temporal artery biopsy • Lumbar puncture

If a diagnosis of migraine may be prescribed medications that contain ergot derivatives. Temporal arteritis should be treated with steroids to prevent the development of blindness and other disorders are managed with proper treatment. However, you should know cause site effects. Prevention is very important.


The following healthy habits can lessen stress and reduce the chance of getting headaches: • Sleep well Eating a healthy diet • Exercise regularly • Stretch the neck and upper body, especially if your work involves typing or using a computer • Learn proper posture • Quitting • Learn to relax using meditation, deep breathing. At our pharmacy you can get natural supplements that can help eliminate the problems, both as headache or migraine. See list Symptoms/Illnesses

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration of America (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.